Accessible Room

Choice of Standard, Superior or Deluxe

At Novotel Perth Murray Street our accessible accommodation in Perth caters for guests with a disability or less-mobile holidaymakers. Our friendly team understands your personal needs. If you are vision impaired, have difficulty walking long distances, are a wheelchair user or travel with a carer or a guide dog, we are here to help make your stay comfortable.

– Marked accessible car bays are available closest to the hotel’s lift access
– 5 minute drop off bays are located at the front of the hotel
– 24-hour concierge assistance is available when moving around the hotel, or for any assistance with your luggage
– All entrances and areas of the hotel have unobstructed accessible access, including recreation floor (fitness centre and swimming pool)
– Our elevators have braille buttons with beeps and voice announcement
– Our 16.5m, 1.2m deep heated swimming pool offers an accessibility hoist
– Our 24-hour gym features a Technogym Excite Recline 1000 Easy Access Exercise Bike. This bike offers a wide walk through that enables users to enter and exit the bike more comfortably. A 6.5cm step-over simplifies access for less mobile users, with a central handlebar serving as an additional support when sitting down or getting up.
– Access to the restaurant is via reception – step free, obstructed access
– Accessible bathrooms in all common areas – including reception/dining floor and recreation floor